The Future CEO's Playbook: Promising technology

Promising technology, uncertain funding, difficult choices

The Future CEO's Playbook: Growth versus profit

The Future CEO's Playbook: Promising technology

Promising technology, uncertain funding, difficult choices

The Future CEO's Playbook: Growth versus profit

The Future CEO's Playbook: Growth versus profit

Growth versus profit: Striking the balance between growth and profit in a new business climate.

The Future CEO's Playbook: Trust

The Future CEO's Playbook: Trust

Trust: Why it matters, how it’s won, and its centrality for leaders navigating an ever-shifting business landscape.

The Future CEO's Playbook: The expanding role of the CEO

The Future CEO's Playbook: The expanding role of the CEO

The expanding role of the CEO: if purpose is here to stay, its challenges are too. CEOs need a different or expanded range of skills today compared with in the past.

Illicit trade during an economic downturn

Illicit trade during an economic downturn

Illicit trade is a multi-billion dollar business with severe economic, social and environmental impacts, which are accentuated during periods of economic downturn.

PMI: Schwarzhandel während einer Konjunkturschwäche

PMI: Schwarzhandel während einer Konjunkturschwäche

Schwarzhandel ist ein Multi-Milliarden-Dollar-Geschäft mit schwerwiegenden wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und ökologischen Auswirkungen, wobeisich die Situation in Zeiten eines wirtschaftlichen Abschwungs noch weiter zuspitzt.

Illicit trade in a time of uncertainty

Illicit trade in a time of uncertainty

Illicit trade in goods refers to any practice or conduct prohibited by law relating to the production, shipment, receipt, possession, distribution, sale or purchase of goods, including any practice or conduct intended to facilitate such activity.

Malawi Summit: exploring opportunities and challenges for investment

Malawi Summit: exploring opportunities and challenges for investment

Malawi, a landlocked country in south-east Africa, has been broadly overlooked by international investors. Relying heavily on agriculture, its economy is vulnerable to shocks including weather events and supply-chain disruptions.