Together, we can make a difference. Your support drives groundbreaking research, awareness, and programs for those battling Lyme and other tick-borne diseases. As we enter 2025, help us achieve our ambitious goals to create a world free of Lyme and tick-borne diseases.
Lyme disease is an illness caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. These bacteria are carried by the black-legged tick. When an infected tick bites you, it can transfer bacteria under the skin, leading to infection. If diagnosed and treated early, many patients recover. However, if not diagnosed or treated early, Lyme can develop into a chronic illness.
Lyme disease, known as "The Great Imitator," mimics many other conditions like multiple sclerosis, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and lupus. Lyme symptoms are wide-ranging, with more than a hundred different symptoms recorded. Symptoms can also change over time as the bacteria spreads throughout the body. If you've been having unexplained symptoms, consider Lyme disease.
Tick bite prevention is critical. Ticks are more active than ever before, and in more areas than ever before. Practicing good tick bite prevention habits is the best way to prevent Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses. Good habits range from what clothing you wear, where you walk, and how often you check for ticks.
Diagnosing Lyme disease can often be complex and easy to miss, given the severe limitations of diagnostic testing, wide-ranging symptoms, and a lack of education about the disease. Diagnosis should be based on a combination of clinical evaluation from a knowledgeable healthcare provider and diagnostic testing. Early and accurate diagnosis is essential in treating Lyme. GLA provides a free service to help you find a Lyme specialist in your area.
Novel Research. Measurable Advances. GLA’s world-class Scientific Advisory Board awards grants to researchers at accredited universities conducting evidence-based research.
- Philanthropist and animal rights activist Marisol Thomas
2023 © Copyright Global Lyme Alliance. All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: The above material is provided for information purposes only. The material (a) is not nor should be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor (b) does it necessarily represent endorsement by or an official position of Global Lyme Alliance, Inc. or any of its directors, officers, advisors or volunteers. Advice on the testing, treatment or care of an individual patient should be obtained through consultation with a physician who has examined that patient or is familiar with that patient’s medical history. Global Lyme Alliance, Inc. makes no warranties of any kind regarding this Website, including as to the accuracy, completeness, currency or reliability of any information contained herein, and all such warranties are expressly disclaimed.