Dr. Suman Tewari, Doctor of Gynecology

Dr. Suman Tewari is an obstetrician-gynecologist in Ann Arbor, MI with over 20 years of experience in the medical field and functional medicine. She specializes in helping women balance hormones, hot flashes, pain with sex, breast health, uterine disorders and related conditions.


  • MD


Obstetrics and Gynecology

Natural health

Women's health

Mind-body medicine

Spiritual healing

"Work with your body. Accept, honor, respect, and love it. Listen to your body, treat it with love and respect. Your body is always working for YOU, it's time you give it what it needs to flourish."

Series created with Dr. Tewari

Phase & Function

Welcome to Phase & Function - a first-of-its-kind program designed to help you better understand your menstrual cycle, manage period related symptoms, optimize energy and aid in...


full body • women's wellness

heavy ankle band, heavy ankle weights and 7 more.

Dr. Tewari's Equipment Pick

Precision Mat

"My favorite equipment right now is the Precision Mat. I love the clock, it makes it very easy to understand positioning of the body to be able to do the exercises correctly and thus benefit fully from the movements."