
Chameleon Arts

  • @chameleonarts
  • GCV2DK....KMBNQ5
I studied Fine Art at university but was always drawn to twisting traditional skills towards pastiche. I painted Caravaggio paintings with hidden modern elements. Doctored photos of signposts to read as surreal messages and sculpted faces with butterflies on their tongues, which in turn had poems on their wings. I now work as a freelance illustrator and as you might expect, the projects I choose are equally eclectic. I'm also a musician so expect future NFT series that are both visual and audio.

Describe your style
My style is hybrid- some collections explore the Steam Punk aesthetic, others hyperrealistic digital drawing, some the cross over between art and music.

How did you get started?
I have drawn as long as I can remember and have always had an entrepreneurial streak. I love to experiment and in 2019 began incorporating more digital art.

What motivates you?
I am motivated by looking at things sideways. There is a quote sometimes attributed to Picasso. 'Art is a lie that makes us realise the truth' and I love that.

Joined May 2022

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