
Can-Fite has a number of drugs in various stages of research and development. The pipeline drugs are synthetic, highly specific agonists and allosteric modulators that target the A3 adenosine receptor (A3AR). All drugs are orally bioavailable with an excellent safety profile.

Piclidenoson (CF101), Can-Fite's lead candidate, is an oral drug that  is currently in a Phase III clinical study for the treatment of psoriasis. All human clinical studies have demonstrated this drug to have an excellent safety profile. The Phase II and the Phase II/III clinical studies in psoriasis Piclidenoson showed clinical activity and safety.

Namodenoson (CF102), Can-Fite's second drug candidate, is an oral drug currently being developed for the treatment of oncology diseases including advanced liver cancer(hepatocellular carcinoma), pancreatic cancer and metabolic associated steatohepatitis (MASH).

CF602, an allosteric modulator at the A3AR, has shown proof of concept in pre-clinical pharmacology studies and is earmarked for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Committed to developing highly specific life changing drugs