The UWB Alliance was founded to support the pioneering work we did within IEEE 802.15.4z where we chaired, orchestrated and promoted end-to-end vendor agnostic interoperability building new standards for UWB chips and consumer electronics. We continue our role within 802 to envision and lead the next iterations of UWB PHY and MAC standardization. The .4z standard has become the basis for many other UWB industry interoperability specification efforts (CCC, FiRa and Omlox).
Empowering Next Generation UWB 5G IoT The international UWB rulesets are starting an update process in both Europe and the USA - now is a great time to join up and weigh-in with us to collectively define the shape of the next generation rulesets for UWB! The UWB Alliance is proactive in shaping U.S. and International UWB spectrum management and rulemaking. We work to expand the regulatory landscape, spectrum rulesets, and technology to multiply the growth for our members. Committed to Making it all Work Together Evangelizing diversity for the expanding Wireless Multiverse, we work with members and stakeholders to provide thought leadership on strategies to “make it all work together”. With Members Worldwide and Staff located in the USA, UK and Europe, we work internationally to facilitate intelligent spectrum coexistence for next generation UWB-enabled multi-radio wearable and smartphone devices whilst minimizing unwanted interference. UWB Centre of Excellence We provide guidance on band selection and international applicability as well as advocating, developing and publishing UWB market research data providing visibility on the exponential market growth path. Collectively Creating the Future

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Breaking News

Tim Harrington Appointed to the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee

Tim Harrington, the chairman of the UWB Alliance, accepted a 2-year term appointment from the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (CSMAC). CSMAC delivers important recommendations to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) on major spectrum policy issues that impact all Americans. As a Special Government Employee, Tim will contribute directly to the deliberations of CSMAC, leveraging his expertise and diverse perspectives on potential reforms and other actions needed to enable new and innovative technologies, services, and applications.

What we do

Since 2019, UWB has been expanding into a mainstream consumer technology for smartphones, wearables, automotive and industry, forecasted to drive sales volumes in excess of one billion devices annually by 2025.

Building upon the standardization work performed by our staff and members within the IEEE on the 802.15.4z, we are focussed on providing a favourable regulatory and spectrum management landscape to maximize UWB growth. This includes working to secure new advantageous rulesets in the upcoming reviews in USA and Europe to expand the use cases for UWB technology.

We are also heavily involved in optimizing spectrum sharing whilst minimizing interference. We evangelise coexistence for the expanding Wireless Multiverse and work with members and stakeholders to provide thought leadership on strategies to “make it all work together”.

Scope and Goals

Regulatory Focus

The UWB Alliance takes a proactive position to influence regulatory matters in our mission to:

  • Develop effective coexistence strategies for UWB bands with new evolving radio regulations
  • Increase the utility of UWB globally through the expansion and adoption of UWB Standards worldwide. Examples include providing better indoor range, expanding outdoor use, simplifying the automotive rulesets, and working to find alternative solutions to the EC’s proposal to mandate the measurement of transmit duty cycle over a one-hour period.
  • We are also advocating new spectrum, such as the new work item in Europe to Expand UWB up to 12.4 GHz, as well as in the emerging higher frequency bands.
  • We work to educate and influence country/regional regulatory bodies with the goal of expanding the worldwide regulatory footprint for UWB and harmonization of international regulatory standards.

Standards Focus

Working together with our members, we chair, orchestrate, and promote end-to-end vendor agnostic interoperability built upon newly published and already widely adopted standards – such as IEEE 802.15.4z – in our mission to:

  • Establish Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology as a significant open-standards industry
  • Promote IEEE 802.15.4 as specified in amendments 802.15.4a and 4f
  • Extend the work published in the new 802.15.4z amendment
  • Create other evolving standards-based UWB technologies

Advocate UWB Technology

As part of our mission, we advocate UWB technology and use cases to:

  • Promote verticals showing the value of UWB for IoT and Industry 4.0
  • Build a global ecosystem across the complete UWB value chain, from the silicon to the service.