We’re pleased to announce a collaboration with MapMetrics for a series of open data initiatives and node contest engagements. MapMetrics is a drive-to-earn navigation app that rewards its users in crypto for contributing their data anonymously and Streamr is a next-generation P2P network for streaming data and real-time messaging.
There’s a lot of early synergies between the two projects, and we’re sure more will develop in time. To start with, we’re adding MapMetrics data to The Hub, supporting their Bitcoin rocket contest, and hosting the rocket live video stream on Streamr. Let’s get into it!
Rocket contest

MapMetrics have a live contest that sees a digital Bitcoin rocket traversing the world across various locations, trackable on this livestream.
MapMetrics drivers mine Geolocation data while driving their cars, and get rewarded for doing so by earning tokens. The driver using the MapMetrics app who is closest to the rocket by the end of the competition wins an entire Bitcoin. This is a fun opportunity to also reward Streamr node runners, by having a Streamr branded spaceship shadow the rocket to create a monthly side contest.
To enter, simply tweet a screenshot of your node’s location from the Network Explorer* (*in December and January, for the duration of the 1.0 testnets, the Network Explorer app will not be usable. Please share a screenshot of the general location you are running nodes from instead) using the hashtag #StreamrNodeTour. We’ll choose a random time during the month and note the rocket’s flight location. The person who’s tweeted node happened to be closest to the rocket will receive $100 worth of DATA tokens to stake with Zonaris, and one year’s node subscription for Zonaris. The winner is announced at the end of each month. Entries for the Streamr prize do not put you in contention for the grand prize of one Bitcoin, so make sure to enter the main MapMetrics competition separately!
MapMetrics data streamed on The Hub
The Hub is a platform for hosting and discovering Web3’s live Open Data—exactly the kind of insights generated daily by MapMetrics users. We’re therefore thrilled to see this open anonymous data flowing from MapMetrics drivers to The Hub, where it can be used and traded to generate crowdsourced insights about the roads.
What kind of insights? Emerging hazards on the road, previously unmarked traffic lights, speed cameras, or other obstacles which can be identified in real-time by passing the data through a machine learning plugin to refine the map or send out alerts for other road users based on the data they have generated.
Data might also be logged and stored, making use of newly developed Log Store, to allow data scientists to mine the historical data stored on The Hub and perhaps identify needed improvements or insights that can help road managers to make better informed decisions.
The possibilities are limitless with this kind of data. Adding it to The Hub adds another avenue of discoverability to increase the data’s value.
Video stream of the rocket
P2P video streaming is something that we’re excited to explore with the Streamr Network. Demonstrating the validity, scalability and stability of decentralized live video feeds could offer new use cases where no centralized intermediaries are required to deliver and distribute the content. Thanks to Streamr protocol, the live video feed consumers are actually partaking in the video feed’s redistribution, enabling potentially orders of magnitude of savings in contrast to traditional paid live video streaming platforms.
A great test of this will see the MapMetrics bitcoin live feed transfer from YouTube to Streamr!
Test out the feed for yourselves!
Want to learn more about MapMetrics, the contest, and the further scope for collaboration? Then save the date for a joint Twitter Spaces hangout at 16:00 CEST on 7th September. Please add your questions in the #Marketing channel on the Streamr Discord.
Thanks for reading and see you then!