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Find the Business Help You Need.
Share the Knowledge You Have.


A global community of mentors and entrepreneurs.

A program of Mercy Corps, MicroMentor's easy-to-use social platform enables the world's largest community of purpose-driven entrepreneurs and business mentors to create powerful connections, solve problems, and build successful businesses together. We strive to overcome geographical limitations and deliver business resources at scale to underserved communities around the globe through mentoring.

Strong mentoring connections lead to better business outcomes.

For entrepreneurs, turning a passion into a business is the ultimate dream. But that dream doesn’t come easily. It’s hard work, and there are challenges around every corner. For mentors, sharing their hard-won knowledge with entrepreneurs who are just starting out is its own reward. MicroMentor is where they meet. It’s an easy-to-use service provided at no-cost that connects entrepreneurs with volunteer mentors so they can solve problems and build businesses together.

  • 1. Create a Profile on MicroMentor

    A complete profile is the first step to connecting with others. It lets people know who you are and why you are here. The quality of your profile greatly affects your impression on those you are trying to connect with.

  • 2. Reach Out to Others and Connect

    Explore other members who have the profile you're looking for. Reach out by sending messages to several members. Start a conversation and find the right fit for you.

  • 3. Start Mentoring

    Now that you've found a match ask questions, share, and listen. Agree on how and when to communicate using email, video chat, or a phone call. Set goals and start solving problems together!