Cattle disease prediction using Facial and Muzzle Analysis

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

Cattle disease prediction using Facial and Muzzle Analysis

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

A new way to manage the diseases.
Various diseases throughout the year costs bovine industry over $200B annually in treatment cost, revenue lost, and deaths. The already thin margins of beef and dairy industry is suffering from added expense of treatment that cuts the profit very quickly.
MyAnIML uses computer vision to analyze face and muzzle of a cow to predict diseases.
In the traditional way, it costs over $15,000 in pinkeye treatment and over $41,000 loss in revenue to a 500 head herd. With MyAnIML, not only the cost is down significantly but the revenue actually goes up.
Cow’s muzzle is an early indication of an oncoming disease. Each muzzle is very unique much like our fingerprints. MyAnIML has developed a patent pending solution that matches and analyzes muzzles and predict diseases.
Once a change is found, it matches the change with a disease in the system. This predicts if a cow will be getting a disease. Here you see the differences between healthy and pinkeye muzzle.
Pinkeye is highly infectious with over 90% infection rate. MyAnIML can issue an early alert so the owner can isolate the infected cow before it can infect others. This not only saves costs but increases revenue as well.
In our early tests, we are able to predict Pinkeye, 2-3 days before the body is infected.
Serial entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience building companies and products.
Over 5 years of experience in Data Analytics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. she graduated from purdue in ai/ml.
Over 15 years of software architect experience working for fortune 500 and startups.
Multi generational rancher.
Brad has been involved in cattle industry for many years and has a backgrounder business
As a 5th generation farmer/rancher, Nathan has over 400 cow/calf pairs from birth up to slaughter.
Press Release - MyAnIML_Study_with_USDA.pdf
Case Study - Kansas_Rancher_Installs_MyAnIML_to_Save.pdf
Press Release - MyAnIML Expands Predictive Health Tech for Cows 051023.pdf
MyAnIML White Paper - Our methodology to train the system
This start-up uses patent pending artificial intelligence to analyze a picture of a cow’s face and muzzle to predict diseases.
2022 Startups to Watch: MyAnIML plans to save the bovine industry millions through AI facial analysis in cattle.
December 14, 2021
An Overland Park startup is taking a closer look at a cow’s muzzle — and not because it’s cute. Its patent-pending technology can detect subtle changes, which are used to predict when a disease is about to take hold.
Aug 26, 2021